Blue Moon's, Bravery and Being Bold: May Moon Magic Part II

Each and every month we get the opportunity to set new intentions with the new Moon and then release, purge and let go during the full Moon.  The full Moon today on May 21st is in Sagittarius and is also a blue Moon. 

Full Moon/Blue Moon in Sagittarius – 2:14pm PT/5:14pm ET

Blue Moon meets the Red Planet (Mars) at its brightest in a decade.  

Also known as the Full Flower Moon, Mother’s Moon, Milk Moon, Corn Planting Moon – May Moon marked the time of increasing fertility with temps warm enough for safely bearing young, a near end to late frosts & plants in bloom ~ Old Farmer’s Almanac

You may find yourself reflecting this month on experiences you may have had while traveling.  Some of these experiences have shifted the way you live or even your belief systems.  This emotionally charged blue moon allows you to share these thoughts with others and even plan for future quests.  Spiritual destinations may be on the horizon.  ~House of Intuition Full Moon Candle for May 21st.  

What exactly is a blue moon? A Blue Moon typically occurs when two full Moons happen in the same month.  This Blue Moon, however, is a little bit different. According to The Farmer’s Almanac, the full moon on Saturday is considered a blue Moon because it is the fourth full Moon in a season when there are typically only 3.  Consider it a bonus full Moon.  This is also the first of two consecutive full Moons in Sagittarius, the second being on June 20th.  In addition to all of this full Moon/blue Moon magic, Mars will be the brightest in a decade and will be visible to the naked eye.  

The Sagittarius full Moon is calling us to be brave and take risks and align and open ourselves up to the limitless possibilities we’ve never considered.  

It is my personal intention this month to let go of the thought of not feeling good enough and criticizing myself in everything I do or say.  I want to embrace the “no fucks given” philosophy and just do me no matter what and not worry about what everyone else thinks.  Wish me luck! ☺ 

If you are going through a breakup, breakdown or breakthrough the next two full Moons are an excellent time to let go of the limiting thoughts, beliefs or habits that no longer raise your vibration or make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. 

When I was going through my breakup from a relationship of seven years, creating rituals around the moon cycles really helped me get through my depression and anxiety.  I looked forward to the new Moon every month to see what amazing, bold intentions I could set and the full moon was the time to let go of the garbage - the self-limiting beliefs and negative stories I told myself that left me attracting the same type of partner.  

Below you will find my full Moon ritual.  I have been doing this ritual for several years now and I find it so invigorating.  If you want to do this solo, that's fine. The Full Moon is also a great time to get together with your girlfriends and practice this together. 


My besties love coming over and doing this ritual around my fire pit.  We’re close so we read what we are ready to let go of out loud and then watch that sucker burn.  You don’t have to read it out loud but man, it sure does feel good! 

Give it a shot and tell me what you think! 

  1. Create a sacred, quiet space.  Even better if you can perform the ritual outside, under the full Moon and connect with Mother Nature. 
  2. Close your eyes.  Take a few deep breaths and imagine a beautiful white ray of light washing over you and radiating through your chest.  Encouraging the release and cleansing of the negativity within.  
  3. Light a beautiful white candle or my favorite House of Intuition moon cycle candles here:!moon-cycle-candle/c1jb6  
  4. Take a moment to center yourself.  Write down what you are ready to let go of, release, cleanse, purge.  Date it, sign it.    
  5. Read your list aloud to the Universe.  I find that verbalizing and hearing what you are ready to let go of helps you to process your intentions more clearly and brings a strong sense of peace.  
  6. Take a deep breath and declare, “and so it is” and light your page on fire.  Make sure you have an empty bowl nearby to toss the burning paper in if you are inside or a fire pit or something of the like if you are outside.  As you watch the paper burn, honor the smoke that is created as that is the release of your intention into the Universe.  
  7. Relax for a moment as you let everything go.  I like to follow up this ritual with a shower or bath as water is also clarifying.  Oh! And if you are into crystals….be sure to charge them under the light of the full Moon! 

What are you ready to release this full Moon? Comment below and let me know.  

Get that weight off your shoulders so you can soar and shine! 

Honor The Space In Between "No Longer" and "Not Yet"

What are we supposed to do after a break up or a loss, when the pain is SO FRESH and the wounds run really deep? 

What about the period right after the breakup/loss/breakdown where a week or two (or 6) may have passed and we are actually feeling......worse? 

One of my FAVORITE quotes (and it comes from Nancy Levin) is "Honor the space in between "no longer" and "not yet."

And today on, I share what to do during this time to help you heal and move forward: